Cost effective asset management

We take care of your Facilities, Equipment, and Tubulars, so you, focus on other critical areas of your business.

  • Testing and Inspection Solutions
  • Corrosion Prevention Solutions
  • Lifting Equipment Integrity Solutions
  • Tank Integrity Support Solutions
  • Fiberglass Pipe Lining Technology
  • Well Head Integrity Solutions

A partnership with Calvante ensures the availability of the right tool, at the right time and at the right price.

With a focus on client satisfaction, we have developed a broad approach to the management of your assets.

Our process ensures that companies can prosecute their projects with minimal downtime attributable to the equipment. The objective is to achieve maximum efficiency of all equipment by -

  • Identifying Problems
  • Providing Solutions
  • Preventing Failures

Our Equipment Assurance Solution is designed to mitigate against identified risk factors and improve the success rate of your Project.

Our Services

Testing and Inspection Solutions

Corrosion Prevention Solutions

Fiberglass Pipe lining Technology

Tank Integrity Support Solutions

Testing and Inspection Solution

Our solutions ensure your tubular goods and other equipment are in optimum condition regardless of the size of your budget.

Our Solutions include:

  • Pre-commissioning audit
  • Electromagnetic Inspection (EMI) of tubulars
  • Ultrasonic inspection
  • Tubular storage and inventory control.
  • Wet and dry special end area inspection
  • NDT/MPI of lifting points
  • Inspection of casing / Tubing to 5CT Specification
  • Tubing Operations integrity audits

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Lifting Equipment Integrity Solutions

Our solutions include -

  • Load Testing
  • Lifting Equipment Testin
  • Provision of lifting Accessories
  • Lifting Consultancy services
We assist you to avoid future problems by assessing equipment risks, identifying potential failures, advising, and providing needed support to ensure risk mitigation and statutory compliance.

Tank Integrity Solution, TIS

The TIS system is designed to perform periodic integrity testing of aboveground Petroleum Products storage tanks.

These inspections are designed to detect visible signs of leakage, as well as evaluate the corrosion rates and remaining corrosion allowance.

Our Solutions include:

  • Tank Cleaning
  • Sludge Removal & Prevention
  • Hydrotesting
  • Ultrasonic wall thickness measurement
  • Shear wave Testing
  • Tank Volumetric calibration

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Permanent Corrosion Prevention

Our Corrosion Protection Solution is a new and incredibly effective way to permanently protect carbon steel from corrosion.

It is a two-part system that requires a single application. The two parts meet during the spray application. Upon contact with carbon steel substrate, they immediately react and form an Iron phosphate alloy surface layer. It provides two layers of Corrosion Protection with a One Coat system - the Ceramic layer and the Phosphate alloy layer.

Unlike traditional coating methods which simply delays corrosion, it works by creating a chemical bond which passivates the top layer of the steel surface thereby preventing any reaction with corrosive substances such as oxygen and moisture, a permanent protection.

Should there be a scratch through both the Ceramic layer and the Phosphate alloy layer, the ceramic layer will act to re-phosphate the steel, preventing rust of the exposed part. It is self-healing.


  1. It is water based and organic
  2. Salt levels make no difference in performance.
  3. Single coating, that is more cost effective than a standard organic three coat system.
  4. It is free from all volatile organic compounds, VOCs
  5. It is free from hazardous air pollutants, HAPs
  6. It is fireproof with a flame spread rate of 0
  7. It has no fumes and is odorless.
  8. It is safe and presents no danger to the people or the environment.
  9. The coating is cured in 15 min.
  10. Application not affected by weather, as long as it’s not raining.
  11. Does not require white blast for application to be effective.
  12. Minimal surface preparation results in cost savings
  13. Reduced application time means your asset will be back to operation in shorter time than if an organic coating system was used.

DUOLINE Fiber Lining Technology

Highly efficient, Fiber Glass Reinforcement for Tubulars

A premium liner insert process, creates a proven corrosion barrier inside oil and gas steel tubing, ensuring the isolation of corrosive oilfield fluids and gases from the steel. It offers an unsurpassed record for prevention of corrosion in very demanding conditions.

Time tested technology - improves flow assurance, protects oilfield tubulars from corrosion.

Allows reusability of Carbon Steel Tubing/Casing. More than 10,000 joints of different sizes of tubings that have been used previously or stored for many years, have been put back to use when lined with Duoline GRE as production tubings or as surface flowlines.

Eliminates flow assurance problems due to scales, waxes, paraffins, asphaltenes, etc. This is possible due to the thermal insulation property of Duoline GRE lining.

  • Some Operators have found that produced crude oil temperature did not fall below the pour point after deploying the Duoline GRE lined tubing in their wells.

Shell, Total, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Statoil, ConocoPhilips, Petrobras, Lukoil, Petronas, BP, ENI, Aramco, ADNOC, etc. have all derived value from use of Duoline technology in their operations.

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